Friday, December 13, 2019

Banana Boat (Space Project)d

Gottfried Helnwein image cont.

In the industrial part of Waterford, Ireland there is a large picture of a girl. The girl has a blank expression and a lean face but has these large green eyes. The image is of just her face and the actual thing is huge and takes up the entire side of this really big building. I can't really tell if the image is continuous or if its spliced.

The picture is in an industrial looking area. I think the intended audience are factory workers and laborers. The mood of this image is a little erie and a little mysterious. Her face to me is completely blank. it seems like she's showing zero expression.

I think the title "The Last Girl" suggests that she could be someone completely average and someone is referring to her as the last girl to someone else.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

work by Gottfried Helnwein

I think the artistic image is show that most people just see the outside of the girl but I think the guy being small represents him trying to find a way in. I also think it represents how it is hard to really get to know this girl. It is defiantly photoshoped.

restoring a photo