Wednesday, September 25, 2019



  1. I think the fear is the fear of being alone, i think the photo is successful in conveying the fear from the choice of lighting and black and white scheme. I like how the photo shows how it feels to be alone, but maybe the image could be cleared up a but more graphic wise.

  2. 1. Initially the fear that this picture conveys is the fear of being alone. Which would be Autophobia.
    2. I do feel that this photo is successful in conveying the fear because the dark room gives the sense of loneliness and the contrast of the light brings the attention to the person who further conveys the fear.
    3. I really like the contrast of the light and the dark room. It draws the viewer's eye to the person on the bed.
    4. One suggestion that I do have though is to make the text a little lighter or darker so that it is easier to see but not too much to where it stands out like a sore thumb. I like the placement of it though so keep that.

  3. The fear is conveying the feeling of loneliness. I feel its successful in conveying this fear due to the light and shadow balance. I like the globe in the photo as it helps demonstrate the feeling of isolation and the fear of being alone. I would possibly move the text to somewhere clearer but only a minor change.


restoring a photo