Thursday, February 27, 2020

Narrative photo


  1. I like your idea for the narrative project. Probably before the picture she was excited for her birthday, then she got a cake and looks really happy, and finally she probably blew out the candles and made a wish.

  2. I like this picture because it has a fun and happy connotation unlike a lot of the other photos. The light of the candles and her smile make the picture nice to look at and the color scheme is very satisfying. The photo tells a narrative of a little girl getting a cake, probably for her birthday, and then making a wish after she blows out the candles. The only thing I would change is to maybe have edited out the glares in the door behind her.

  3. I really like this photo because you can tell what is happening. The girl is obviously very excited that it is her birthday. Leading up to this picture I think her family sang happy birthday to her and brought out her cake to surprise her. She looks really happy that she was given a cake, and I think afterwards the cake was cut and passed out. This was a good picture for the project because people can easily predict what happened before and after it was taken.

  4. I like the positioning the photograph was taken from. The lighting is also really good with the main light source coming from the birthday candle, this helps in grabbing the attention to the birthday cake. The story for the photograph can be simple as its most likely a birthday, but it also makes you think how old, and when it was done, it can make you think of these other things outside of just a birthday. Its also a fun type of photograph that makes you have a happy feeling when looking at the photograph with it being a birthday.


restoring a photo