Tuesday, February 4, 2020

what art?

1) This is a more serious mood given off by the images. The models expressions are a kind of resting face and just relaxed. In first image the model has a pretty regular posture but the second model has a more slouched back posture.

2) I think the images could have been made either with oil paint or photoshop. I think it is more likely that it is an oil painting because there are different styles of painting used in different parts of each image.

3) I think the color plays a big role in both images. In the first image the background is a is a strong red that directly contrasts with the clothing she is wearing but it is also the same color as the charm on her necklace. In the second image the background creates good contrast to the model but is also the same color as her lips.

4) I think the artist wanted to convey a more serious or relaxed tone while trying to get the person viewing the art to think about the image. I think the artist was successful.

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